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Cebu City is the "Queen City of the South" on Cebu Island in the Philippines and is one of the most popular jumping off-points in all of the Philippines for foreign visitors, with the busiest sea port in the Philippines and the second largest air hub. It is the second busiest airport in Philippines located in the Central Visayas.

For over 200 years, the second largest and most important city in the country, it is currently the fastest growing large city in the nation. 


Perhaps surprisingly for such a booming metropolitan area, it has white sand beaches (some with ice cream vendors and showers and some untouched), as well as historical sites that reflect its cosmopolitan past.


Cebu was in at the birth of Christian proselytizing in Asia when it became one of the early commercial hubs between Mexico and China. Its capital, Cebu City is the oldest and first capital of the country.

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